Document de 1807 |
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Document qui donne de l'information du Canton de Stanfold,
et à qui a été octroyé les terres. Quelqu'un pourrait-il nous aider à décrypter ce texte. Document de 1807, certificat du registraire du Québec.jpg |
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En bordure : Province of Lower Canada Fiat. Enrolled in the registry of office of enrollement at Québec on wenesday 29e jour of July 1807. Fiat (décret) John Taylor ?? reg. Signed Thomas Dunn President Stanfold ?? copy $8.50. George the third by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the faith to all to whom this presents hall or come or may in any wise concern greating. Where as in obedience to our Royal Insructions in this behalf and by virtue of a certain warrant of survey to him for that purpose directed under the hand and seal of our trusty and well beloved Sir Robert Shore Milnes baronet. Our lieutenant governor of and for our Province of lower Canada bearing date at our castle of Saint-Louis , in our city of Quebec in our said province of lower Canada, the thirty first day of May in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and two. Joseph Bouchette esquire our surveyor general of and for our said province. Esquire (abrégé en Esq.) est un terme d'origine britannique (lui-même dérivé du moyen français esquier, de l'ancien français escuyer, du latin vulgaire scutarius, « porteur de bouclier »1). Il s'agit d'un titre de respect non officiel, sans signification conventionnelle, utilisé pour dénoter un certain statut social. Jusqu'au début du XXe siècle, il s'appliquait aux membres de la gentry qui ne possédaient aucun titre de rang supérieur. Ce titre se place après le nom (par exemple : K.S. Smith, Esq.). Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.142.JPG |
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En bordure : Fiat (décret) ?? ?? ?? records at Quebec ..... register of ?? ?? land letter B. page 142 John Taylor ?? reg. . Entered in the office of the auditor 23 day of november 1807. ?? ?? fol. 257.. Signed Thomas Dunn, acting for Thomas Jacques Esquire. Said Province hath (has) made of a faithful and exact survey of a certain tract of our waste land, situate lying, and being in our district of Three-Rivers , in our said province bounded on the east by the township of Somerset. On the west by the tract of our waste land, commonly called the township of Bulstrode , on the south by the township of Arthabaska and on the north by the river Becancour, beginning as a post formerly erected, on the southerly bank (berge) of the river Becancour, being the north. Easterly boundary of the said tract of our waste land whereof a survey hath (has) so as aforesaid (ci-dessus) been made commonly called the township of Stanfold. Running from then a magnetically south 9 degrees 45 minutes west. 969 chains 60 links to a post erected for the south-east angle of the said tract of our waste land whereof a survey hath to as aforesaid been made commonly called the township of Stanfold then at south 70 degrees west along the division line between the township of Arthabaska and said tract of our waste land. Whereof a survey hath to as aforsaid been made, commonly called the township of Stanfold, 843 chains and 20 links to a post erected for the south-west corner of the said tract of our waste land. Wehreof a survey hath to as aforesaid been made commonly called the township of Stanfold. Thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes east along the division line between the tract of our waste land commonly called the township of Bulstrode and the said tract of our waste land whereof a survey hath to as aforesaid been made commonly called the township of Stanfold 969 chains 60 links to a post erected on the soutehrly bank of the river Becancour, being the north-west corner of the said tract of our waste land whereof a survey hath to as aforesaid been made commonly called the township of Stanfold. 1 chains = 66 pieds = 100 links donc 1 links = 1/100 de 66 pieds. Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.143.JPG |
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Thence along the bank of the said river to the place beginning. Now therefore know ??, that we, of our special ?? certain knowledge and meer (?) motion, have created, erected, and constitued, and by there presents do create, erect and constituate the tract of land above mentionned so as aforesaid surveyed by our said surveyor general by virtue of the aforesaid warrant of survey and here in before particularly described and every part and parcel thereof ?? for ever here after to be continue and remain township and by the name of Stanfold for ever here after to be called, ?? and distinguished. And whereas our well beloved grantees herein after named by their petition bearing date the 11e day of January in the year of our Lord 1800.
Have humbly requested we to grant unto ?? and unto their heirs (héritiers) and assigns for ever, in free and common soccage(?), certain parts of the said township of Stanfold. And whereas our said trusty and well beloved Thomas Dunn esquire, President of our said province and administrator of the government of our said province and our executive council of our said province having ?? and maturely considered the two petition, have thereof approved and have adjudged it to be reasonable and advisable, that we should grant certain parts of the said township of Stanfold unto the said grantees herein after named and unto their heirs and assigns for ever in free and common soccage, upon the terms and conditions and subject to the provinces, limitations, restrictions, reservations prescribed by the statute in such case made and provided and by our royal instructions in this behalf. And whereas in obediance to our said royal instructions and by virtue of the aforesaid have and of survey to him for this purpose also directed. Our said surveyor general, hath in the manner said form set for the after described in a certain plot or description of the said township of Stanfold. Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.144.JPG |
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of Stanfold here in after mentionned and here unto annexed, divided the said township of Stanfold, as mainly as circumtances said the nature of the case would admit of equal distances of 80 chains and 80 links into twelve ranges or rows, numbered from the north, towards the south from number one to number twelve inclusive and the said twelve ranges or rows, hath in manner and form aforesaid subdivided into lots of 26 chains perpendiculum or thirty chains fifty links on the line. That is to say,
the first range into 28 lots,
the second range into 28 lots,
the third range into 28 lots,
the fourth range into 28 lots,
the fifth range into 28 lots,
the sixth range into 28 lots,
the seventh range into 28 lots,
the eightth range into 28 lots,
the nineth range into 28 lots,
the tenth range into 28 lots,
the eleventh range into 28 lots,
the twelvth range into 28 lots.
Severally numbered in each range respectively , from the east towards the west from on to number twenty eight both inclusive and containing each lot 200 acres of land, and the usual allowance for highway, have and excepts the lots of the first range all and every of which are of irregular dimension and ?? entities. And hath further by virtue of the aforesaid warrant of survey to him for this purpose also directed, subdivided , bounded and laid out by actual measurement in the t??. The Easterly half or ?? of the said township of Stanfold.
That is to say the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15, 16 in the first range of township of Stanfold; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the second range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.145.JPG |
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fourteen if the third range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the fourth range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the fifth range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the sixth range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the seventh range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the eighth range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the nineth range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the tenth range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 if the eleventh range ; the lots numbers 1,2, 3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 if the twelvth range of the township of Stanfold; making together 168 lots. Each lot being of 80 chains, 80 links in depth, by 26 chains perpendiculum or 30 chains 50 links. On the line containing 200 acres of land and the usual, allowance, for highways . Save and except the irregular lots which are bounded and abatted as follower ; lot number one in the first range , bounded and abatted as follows; Beginning at the post standing on the southerly bank of the river Bécancour, marking the north-west corner of Somerset and north-east angle of Stanfold. Runnning from thence south 9 degrees 45 minutes east intersected by the division line, between the first and second range thence south. Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.146.JPG |
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Thence south 70 degrees west thirty chains fifty links, thence north, 9 degrees forty five minutes and till instersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the banks of said river to the place of beginning , containing 230 acres, including the usual allowance for highways ; lot number two in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 1.2 being the division line between the lots numbers one and two running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west thirty chains sixty links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 280 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number three in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 2.3 being the division line between the lots numbers two and three running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 60 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 316 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number four in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 3.4 being the division line between the lots numbers three and four running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.147.JPG |
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by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 339 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number five in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 4.5 being the division line between the lots numbers four and five running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 60 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 344 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number six in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 5.6 being the division line between the lots numbers five and six running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 340 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number seven in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 6.7 being the division line between Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.148.JPG |
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the lots numbers six and seven running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 342 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number eight in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 7.8 being the division line between the lots numbers seven and eight running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 345 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number nine in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 8.9 being the division line between the lots numbers eight and nine running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 351 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number ten in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 9.10 being the division line Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.149.JPG |
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between the lots numbers nine and ten running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 368 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number eleven in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 10.11 being the division line between the lots numbers ten and eleven running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 388 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number twelve in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 11.12 being the division line between the lots numbers eleven and twelve running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 311 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number thirteen in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.150.JPG |
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of the river Bécancour, marked 12.13 being the division line between the lots numbers twelve and thirteen running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 300 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number fourteen in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 13.14 being the division line between the lots numbers 13 and 14 running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 326 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. lot number fifteen in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 14.15 being the division line between the lots numbers 14 and 15 running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 349 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.151.JPG |
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lot number sixteen in the first range bounded and abatted as follows, that is to say , beginning at a post standing on the bank of the river Bécancour, marked 15.16 being the division line between the lots numbers 15 and 16 running from thence south 9 degres 45 minutes east, till intersected by the division line between the first and second ranges, thence south 70 degrees west 30 chains 50 links thence north 9 degrees 45 minutes west till. Intersected by the river Becancour and from thence along the bank of said river, to the place of beginning, containing 343 acres. Including the usual allowance for highways. And whereas also our said surveyor general in obediance to the ?? in such case made and provided and to our said royal instructions in this behalf and by virtue of the aforesaid warrant of survey to him for this purpose also directed. Hath set off made and reserved a proportinable allotment and approbation of lands within the said township of Stanfold, as well for the maintenance and support of a portestant clergy within our said province as for our future disposition . And further in respect of the lands to be hereby granted hath for the maintenance and support of protestant clergy within in our said province set off and reserved in the said township of Stanfold, 23 lots at the particularly described being meanly as circumtance and the nature of the case will admit of the like quality as the lands herein after grantes in respect of which, are to set off and value and are herein after allowed and appropriated as neverly as can be estimated royal in vale to one seventh part of the lands here in after granted; And further in respect of the lands to be hereby granted hath for future disposition also set off and reserved in the said township of Stanfold 24 other lots herein after particularly described being as nearly as circumtances and the nature of the case will admit, of the like quality as the lands herein after granted in respect Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.152.JPG |
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in respect of which the same are to set off and reserved and as nearly as can be estimated equaly value to one seventh part of the lands herein aferter granted. And whereas our said surveyor general by ?? to the aforesaid, warrant of survey, bearing date the eighteen day of september in the year of our Lord 1804. Hath certified and returned to our said lieutenant governor of our said province a plot or description of the said township of Stanfold to the said return annexe specifiyng the outlines of the said township of Stanfold, the several ranges of lots and the several lots into which the said township of Stanfold is so as aforesaid subdivided severally and respectively distinguished by numbers and likewise the several lots within the said township of Stanfold set off and reserved by our said surveyor general on our behalf for the maintenance and support of a protestant clergy within our said province and for our future disposition as by the said warrant of survey, ?? was required and commanded a duplicate of which said plot or description of the said township of Stanfold specifying the outlines of the said township of Stanfold the several ranges of lots and the several lots into which the said township of Stanfold were as aforesaid subdivided severally and respectively distinguished by numbers and likewise the several lots within the said township of Stanfold set off and reserved by our said surveyor general on our behalf for the maintenance and support of a protestant clergy within our said province for our future disposition is here unto annexed signed by our said surveyor general for the purposes herein contained.
And whereas in further obediance to our royal instructions above mentionned John Coffin esquire, surveyor general of the woods of and for our said province. Hath certified under is hand and seal, that no part of the said township of Stanfold so as aforesaid surveyed said ??, set off or reserved , is included in any district marked ?? as a ??, for the growth of ?? for the and for our royal survey and whereas also Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.153.JPG |
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And whereas also in further obediance to our royal instructions, our commisionners by us appointed for making inquired into the character and circumtances as of all and every applicant for any part of our unoccupied and waste land lying within our said province and for administrating and receiving the several oaths, affirmations and declarations required by our royal instructions. Have certified to our said lieutenant governor that the said grantees, herein after named are ? of loyal principles and ?? character and that he and and they and each of them , have in the presence of them our said commisionners taken the ?? oaths (serment) directed by law, and also made and subscribed the declaration by our said royal instructions in this behalf required whereby severally and respectively they do promise and declare that they and each of them will ?? and defend to the ?? of their power the authority of us and of our parlament as the supreme legislature of our said province. Now therefore, know the further, that we having ?? the premised, into our royal consideration. Have saved and reserved allotted, and appropriate and hereby do expressly save and reserve to us, our heirs and successors and allott and appropriate the aforesaid several lots of land in the said township of Stanfold, so as aforesaid in respect of the lands to be hereby granted, set off and reserved by our said surveyor general, for the maintenance and support of a protestant clergy within our said province and for our future disposition. That is to say now particurally and according to the form of statute in such case made and provided for a specification of the land so by us saved and reserved, allotted and appropriated for the maintenance and support of a protestant clergy within our sai province and for furture disposition in respect of the land to be here ?? granted we of the serveral lots in the aforesaid twelve ranges of lots so as aforesaid surveyed and laid out by our said surveyor general in the said township of stanfold and on the Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.154.JPG |
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on the said plot or description of the said township of Stanfold here unto annexed described, have saved and reserved, allotted, appropriated and hereby do expressly save and reserve to us our heirs and successors and do allott and appropriate for the maintenance and support of a prostestant clergy within our said province, the lots number 3 and 10 in the first range ; the lots number 1 and 8 in the second range ; the lots number 5 and 12 in the third range ; the lots number 3 and 10 in the fourth range ; the lots number 4 and 7 in the fifth range ; the lots number 2 and 9 in the sixth range ; the lots number 7 and 14 in the seventh range ; the lots number 2 and 9 in the eighth range ; the lots number 4 and 11 in the nineth range ; the lots number 2 and 9 in the tenth range ; the lot number 7 in the eleventh range ; the lots number 5 and 12 in the twelvth range ; making in all 23 lots and being as nearly as circumtances and the nature of the case will admit of the like quality as the lands herein after granted in respect of which the same are so allotted and appropriated and as nearly as can be estimated equal in value ine one seventh part of the lands herein after granted. And we have saved and reserved hereby do expressly save and reserve to us our heirs and successors for our future disposition ; the lots number 7 and 14 in the first range ; the lots number 4 and 11 in the second range ; the lots number 2 and 9 in the third range ; the lots number 7 and 14 in the fourth range ; the lots number 1 and 8 in the fifth range ; the lots number 6 and 13 in the sixth range ; the lots number 3 and 10 in the seventh range ; the lots number 6 and 13 in the eighth range ; the lots number 1 and 8 in the nineth range ; the lots number 5 and 12 in the tenth range ; the lots number 3 and 10 in the eleventh range ; the lots number 1 and 8 in the twelvth range ; Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.155.JPG |
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making in all 24 lots and being as nearly as circumtances and the nature of the case will admit of the like quality as the lands herein after granted in respect of which the same are so reserved and as nearly as can be estimated equal in value ine one seventh part of the lands herein after granted. And Know ?? further that judging it to be reasonable and tight, that we should grant to the said grantees herein after named certain parts and parcel of the said township of Stanfold. Not herein before reserved to us, our heirs and successors for the maintenance and support of protestant clergy within our said province or for our future disposition. We of our special grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion unto Jenkin Williams of Quebec esquire, Joseph Badeaux of Three-River esquire, Amable Berthelot of Three-Rivers esquire, Louis Brasbiane of Quebec, Joseph Cloutier of Quebec, François Dion of Quebec, Zacharie Gagnon of Quebec, Geoman Luke Gamby of Quebec, Miller François Gauvreauof Quebec, Joseph Girard of Quebec, Pierre Girard of Quebec, Sandford Hoyt of Quebec, sadler François Julien of Quebec, Paul Julien of Quebec, Charles Robitaille of Quebec, Joseph Sevinof Quebec, Louis Silvainof Quebec, Jean Torangeau of Quebec, groman Louis Trudelle of Quebec, Gabriel Wymette of Quebec, for ourselves our heirs and successors have given, granted and confirmed and there presents do give, grant and confirm in manner and form following that is to say of the several lots in the aforesaid twelve ranges of lots so as aforesaid surveyed and laid out by our said surveyor general in the said township of Stanfold and in the said plot or description of the said township of Stanfold here unto annexed described, we have given, granted and confirmed and hereby do give, grant and confirm for ourselves our heirs and successors unto the said Jenkin Williams is heirs and assigns for ever Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.156.JPG |
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the lots number 9 and 16 in the first range, the lot number 10 in the tenth range, the lots number 11 and 12 in the eleventh range, the lot number 6 in the twelvth range, unto the said Joseph Badeaux is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 5 in the second range, the lots number 4 and 5 in the sixth range, the lots number 5 and 6 in the seventh range, the lot number 2 in the ninth range, unto the said Amable Berthelot is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 6 in the second range, the lots number 11 and 12 in the sixth range, the lots number 3 and 4 in the eighth range, the lot number 3 in the ninth range, unto the said Louis Brasbiane is heirs and assigns for ever the lots number 8 and 9 in the fourth range, the lots number 5 and 10 in the eighth range, the lot number 5 in the ninth range, the lot number 1 in the eleventh range, unto the said Joseph Cloutier is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 13 in the fifth range, the lot number 8 in the sixth range, the lot number 13 in the seventh range, the lot number 13 in the tenth range, the lot number 13 in the eleventh range, the lot number 13 in the twelfth range, unto the said Francois Dion is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 1 in the first range, the lot number 7 in the second range, the lot number 3 in the thrid range, the lot number 6 in the fourth range, the lot number 11 in the fifth range, the lot number 3 in the twelfth range, unto the said Francois Dion is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 1 in the first range, the lot number 7 in the second range, the lot number 3 in the thrid range, the lot number 6 in the fourth range, the lot number 11 in the fifth range, the lot number 3 in the twelfth range, unto the said Zacharie Gagnon is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 14 in the third range, the lot number 13 in the fourth range, the lot number 10 in the sixth range, the lot number 4 in the seventh range, the lot number 14 in the eighth range, the lot number 7 in the ninth range, unto the said Luke Gamby is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 11 in the first range, Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.157.JPG |
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the lot number 10 in the second range, the lot number 13 in the third range, the lot number 5 in the fifth range, the lot number 7 in the sixth range, the lot number 6 in the ninth range, unto the said François Gauvreau is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 2 in the first range, the lot number 9 in the second range, the lot number 4 in the third range, the lot number 12 in the fourth range, the lot number 6 in the fifth range, the lot number 2 in the twelvth range, unto the said Joseph Girard is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 4 in the first range, the lot number 2 in the second range, the lots number 6 and 7 in the third range, the lot number 2 in the fourth range, the lot number 2 in the fifth range, unto the said Pierre Girard is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 5 in the first range, the lot number 3 in the second range, the lots number 8 in the third range, the lot number 3 in the fifth range, the lot number 7 in the eighth range, the lot number 9 in the ninth range, unto the said Sandford Hoyt is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 5 in the fourth range, the lot number 9 in the fifth range, the lots number 8 in the eighth range, the lot number 10 in the ninth range, the lot number 3 in the tenth range, the lot number 2 in the eleventh range, unto the said François Julien is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 6 in the first range, the lot number 12 in the second range, the lots number 10 in the third range, the lot number 10 in the fifth range, the lot number 11 in the eighth range, the lot number 12 in the ninth range, unto the said Paul Julien is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 8 in the first range, the lot number 13 in the second range, the lots number 11 in the third range, the lot number 1 in the sixth range, the lot number 4 in the tenth range, the lot number 4 in the eleventh range, Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.158.JPG |
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unto the said Charles Robitaille is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 13 in the first range, the lot number 14 in the sixth range, the lots number 8 in the seventh range, the lot number 14 in the ninth range, the lot number 6 in the tenth range, the lot number 5 in the eleventh range, unto the said Joseph Sevin is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 12 in the first range, the lot number 9 in the seventh range, the lots number 11 in the tenth range, the lot number 6 in the eleventh range, the lot number 4 and 7 in the twelvth range, unto the said Louis Silvain is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 15 in the first range, the lot number 11 in the seventh range, the lots number 12 in the eighth range, the lot number 7 in the tenth range, the lot number 8 in the eleventh range, the lot number 9 in the twelvth range, unto the said Jean Torangeau is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 1 in the third range, the lot number 1 in the fourth range, the lots number 1 in the seventh range, the lot number 1 in the eighth range, the lot number 13 in the ninth range, the lot number 1 in the tenth range, unto the said Louis Trudelle is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 14 in the second range, the lot number 11 in the fourth range, the lots number 12 in the fifth range, the lot number 3 in the sixth range, the lot number 12 in the seventh range, the lot number 11 in the twelvth range, unto the said Gabriel Wymette is heirs and assigns for ever the lot number 4 in the fourth range, the lot number 14 in the fifth range, the lots number 2 in the seventh range, the lot number 8 in the tenth range, the lot number 9 in the eleventh range, the lot number 10 in the twelvth range, To have and to hold the said several lots and ?? above described and herein before given, granted and confirmed unto our said several grantees above named severally and respectively of us, our heirs and successors. Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.159.JPG |
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En bordure : For the remainder containing the reservations and conditions of this grant ?? the grant of the township of Frampton . Page first to archiv it is exactly similarly. Unto them our said grantees, and to each of the severally and respectively, and to heirs and assigns of ?? our said grantees, and of each of them severally and respectively to the use and behoof (incomber, appartenir) of them our said grantees, severally and respectively and to the use and behoof of the heirs and assigns of them our said grantees and of each of them severally and respectively for ever in tree and common soccage by ?? only in him of all other and all manner of rents, services, fines rights, dues, duties, claims and demands whats ever in like manner as lands are now holden in free and common soccage in that part of Great Britain called England. ?? ?? ?? In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be and be patent and the great seal of our said province of lower Canada to be here unto affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved Thomas Dunn esquire, president of our province of lower Canada and administrator of the government of our said province at our castle of Saint-Louis in our city of Quebec in our said province the 8e day of July in the year of Lord 1807, and in the 47e year of our Reign. signed Thomas Dunn signed John Taylor ?? ?? Document du 29 juillet 1807, p.160.JPG |
Ordinateur |
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Un rang est une parcelle de terrain. Agrandissez l'image et vous pourrez voir les rangs numérotés de 1 à 12 en chiffre romain,
en partant de la rivière Bécancour jusqu'à un peu au dessus de la rivière Nicolet. Un rang dans ce cas-ci est une division qui vaut 1 milles de large. Plan de Stanfold en 1823, Banq.jpg |
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Détail de la carte précédente. Si vous agrandissez suffisamment la carte, vous pourrez y retrouvé les noms de Louis Pépin, Joseph Audry, François Audry, Paul ?, Pierre Fabre, François Giroux,
Jean-Baptiste Therrien, Michel Martin, Michel Roy, Auguste Paré, Michel Paque, Jean Guimond, Louis McGuy (?), Joseph Durand, F.X. Chapleau... Plan de Stanfold en 1823, agrandis Banq.jpg |